Wednesday, May 10, 2017

How to Boost the Performance of Your Inbound Blog

There are some amazing benefits to publishing a frequent website B2B blog for your company, and as blogging is an important component of your Inbound Marketing program, it's critical to make sure blogging works hard for you.

B2B Businesses that maintain a blog that is frequently published, have 55% more website visitors, 97% more Inbound links, and five times more indexed pages than businesses that don't (Source: HubSpot Annual Inbound Marketing Survey 2016).

If you have a B2B blog, and you're using it to generate more awareness and interest about your business - well done! you're going to attract new website visitors and leads.

You probably know already what it takes to be extra successful at blogging - the blog title and content has to resonate with a persona defined target audience, and you have to offer something informative, fun and interesting to read. In order to take your blogging to the next level, business blogs have to be designed for the best performance possible. 

So what can you do to improve the performance of your blog and get it noticed even more? We recommend following these five blog performance enhancement and optimization tips.

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