Tuesday, June 12, 2018

How to Use Social Media for Successful Marketing, Sales and Promotion

Social mediaWhen you're using social media for your business, you're not doing it just for fun. It's much different than posting for personal use. When using social media marketing for your business, you have a purpose: to generate leads, promote your business, and bring in more revenue.

That means you have to be a whole lot more strategic with your social media content and posting than you do on your own personal Facebook Page.

(And this also means your teenage daughter or college intern cannot handle this all on their own. Trust us. It's a big undertaking.)

If you're ready to start seeing success in your sales and promotions on social media, be sure to pay attention to these tips and strategies so you can implement them in your own business.

1. Make a plan.

You know the drill. Any strategy has to start with a plan.

Posting on your business's Facebook Page just to get content out there is not marketing. And if it's considered spam it could be damaging to your business's online presence and reputation.

You know the algorithms. If you post boring content that no one interacts with, the algorithm will see this. Then, because of no interaction, the algorithm will determine that your content is boring and of little interest and the result will be a 2% organic reach of every single post, with 0-1 interactions.

That's definitely not what we want, right?

We want numbers. We want results. We want to see posts go organically "viral."

Social media

(We're putting viral in quotations because we don't mean the actual kind of viral, where hundreds of thousands of people like and share your content. We mean the "your business" kind of viral, where a good percentage of your audience actually gets shown your content, and you have a decent engagement rate.)

In order to do this, you have to sit down and make a plan.

What is your end goal? Think specifically. What do you want to gain from your social media marketing?

Is it product sales? Lead generation? Customer service and retention?

There are endless options and opportunities, so you just have to determine what your end goal is, and what's going to affect your bottom line most.

2. Do your research.

Time to start looking up similar ideas and campaigns, checking in on what your competitors are doing, and gathering inspiration from both them and similar niches.

How are these other businesses doing digital marketing? What platforms are they on? What are their calls to action?

Conducting research helps you to solidify your plan or strategy idea. If others have similar ideas as you, it's probably because they're working, so don't be let down if it appears your idea isn't 100% original. And if you don't see anyone doing what you plan to do, take it in stride. It may be that your idea is so new and innovative that no one has thought of it yet. Consequently, it may also not work.

Strategies are dynamic, and they need to be constantly changing and updating to stay with the times and to fix things that aren't working properly.

3. Outline your strategy.

Ready to go? It's time to start putting in the work to outline your plan. How is your promo going to work?

Here are a few things you need to be thinking about when putting together your outline:

- What type of promotion are you running? Is it a sale or discount? Brand awareness? Lead generation?
- What social media platforms will you use?
- What is each team member's responsibility for getting this campaign or promotion live?
- What resources do you need to efficiently and successfully run this campaign or promotion?
- What is the end goal of this specific campaign or promotion? What kind of budget do you need to accomplish this?

In order to determine your budget, there are a few things you have to think about. First, what is your goal in this promotion? To make $X? To generate X new paying customers? To send X new leads to your sales team for nurturing? Consider what each of those are worth to you in order to determine how much you're able to spend on generation.

Not sure on any of these points? Putting together strategy and campaign outlines like this is what we do. Give us a call and we'll walk you through the process.

Social media

4. Implement your strategy.

Every good promotion and campaign has these things: optimized sales copy, a landing page, visually appealing graphics, and a call to action.

You need a copywriter to create the copy for your ads and for your landing page. You need a website designer to create your landing page. You need a graphic designer to create the visuals to accompany your campaign. And you need an ad specialist and an account manager to work together on the targeting, messaging, and implementation of the campaign.

That sounds like a lot, right? Didn't we say it's a bit more than your teenage daughter or college intern can handle when you do it correctly?

But don't worry! We can help you get your promotion or campaign up and running smoothly, generating new leads or finding new customers and sending them to your landing page or product page.

Because after all, social media marketing is about promoting your business and making sales, not necessarily sharing the latest and greatest viral meme. Contact us today to learn more about what we can do for your business.



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